Ritte Bicycles

After six years as an advertising copywriter, I followed a lifelong passion for cycling and founded Ritte Bicycles in 2009. In just a few years, Ritte reached a cult-like status among core enthusiasts, distributing our products in dozens of countries and maintaining a worldwide fanbase. I sold Ritte in 2018 and it continues today.

Project role: Founder and Creative Director

At Ritte, we paired great products with a welcoming brand that resonated with cyclists around the world. Despite operating on a shoestring budget, Ritte leapfrogged most larger, better-funded competitors and became successful in a crowded market. I managed every aspect of Ritte design and communications: from prototypes to production, social and influencer programs, video content, and product and website messaging.

Ritte's advantage came from the strength of our brand.

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Few cycling companies appealed to the true fundamentals of the sport: things like fun, youthfulness, and belonging. At Ritte, we set out to own these traits in all our marketing efforts, especially through video campaigns. Our ads and marketing materials aimed to be as lighthearted as they were well-produced. We embraced the power of narrative to communicate the Ritte brand values though parody and humor, including creating a fictional version of Ritte and producing dozens of videos over several narratives. Our budgets may have been small, but the content laid the foundations for our success.

“To change cycling for the better.”

With Ritte, I had the opportunity to build a company and a brand together, interwoven from the ground up.

So I started with a mission: “To change cycling culture for the better.”

Some companies can buy their audience attention, operate at a loss for years, and force sales by subsidizing pricing. They seem to approach their marketing and company values in a piecemeal way, with no core idea and no connective tissue between company process and marketing choices. Many companies simply fund their way through the building phase but Ritte had no such options. We had to win customers who would want to stick with us for the love of the brand and our products.

Family not Fans. Ambassadors not Influencers.

If product’s true benefit is a ticket to a community then few other purchase considerations even matter. At Ritte, we opened our arms to cyclists of all types, and created a home for them to find acceptance and friendships.

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We chose to support riders who reflected our values irrespective of their “influencer” status: a sense of fun, inclusiveness, and genuineness were the qualities we sought. We especially tried our best to support young racers and women racers, two groups who are wildly underfunded in comparison to men’s racing. Regardless of their social media following, we chose individuals who were first and foremost excellent role models, and then we did our best to support their reach though our own social channels.

“Ritte Bicycles is producing the epitome of design and performance in the industry.”

— Playboy

Stainless Steel with a Heartbeat

— Bicycling Magazine

“Speed plus beauty equals happiness.”

— Outside Magazine